Page name: Hermione Granger Fanz [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-11-08 04:05:15
Last author: ~Crimson Angel~
Owner: ~Crimson Angel~
# of watchers: 5
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WELCOME TO Hermione Granger Fanz


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2006-07-24 [Ghost the Hybrid]: doctor: ok thanx for you're help bye

2006-07-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:bye.*hangs up and puts her head back on Ed's chest and falls asleep again*

2006-07-24 [Ghost the Hybrid]: doctor:*hangs up too and then goes looking for someting sharp in mia's pocket's but doesn't find anything* then walks away* mia*sleeps*

2006-07-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*is still asleep*

2006-07-24 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *hermione falls asleep on the sofa*

2006-07-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*are still asleep*

2006-07-24 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *mia are asleep in the hospital and hermione are sleeping on the sofa*

2006-07-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*are still asleep*

2006-07-24 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *everyone are sleeping till the morning*

2006-07-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*are still asleep*

2006-07-24 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *and so are everyone else*

2006-07-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*are still asleep*

2006-07-24 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*slowly wakes up*

2006-07-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*wake up*

2006-07-26 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*hids something when i have woken up* hermione*wakes up*

2006-07-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*arrive at the hospital and go to mia's room*

2006-07-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione*arives with misty and ed and sees that mia are awake* good morning mia^^ mia: good morning^^

2006-07-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:hi,mia

2006-07-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*smiles at all of you* can i go home now???

2006-07-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: Doctor:*comes in*And how are we feeling tody?

2006-07-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*looks scared*...i...i..i'm ok...... hermione:*are holding mias hand*

2006-07-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: Doctor:well you seem fine you can go home now,but ms.hermione here will have to look after you.

2006-07-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: i will doc..... do you want to talk to me in a privat room to or can we just leave now???

2006-07-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: Doctor:you can leave now.

2006-07-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:okhalps mia up and sees a new cut* mia why is there a fresh cut un you're arm??? mia:................ hermione: well????

2006-07-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*look*

2006-07-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*says really really quiet so nearly no one can hear it* i cut myself last night........hermione:*lgives mia a worried look*

2006-07-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*hugs mia*

2006-07-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia* looks suprised and then hugs back and asks* why do you give me a hug???

2006-07-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:cause I know what you did

2006-07-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*looks guilty*.......can we go home now???

2006-07-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:sure,come on.

2006-07-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *walks after misty and ed holding hermiones hand*

2006-07-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*leads hermione and mia to the car*

2006-07-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: i'm a bit hungry....

2006-07-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:ok,what do you want?

2006-07-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: just some toast and some aple jouce hermione* smiles* it's her favorit breakfast^^'

2006-07-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:ok*drives to the house and gets mia some toast and applejuice*

2006-07-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia* smiles happely* thanx^^

2006-07-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty;your welcome

2006-07-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: don't forget to take this one*gives mia a pill* the doctor told me to give you 1 in the morning and 1 in the evning^^

2006-07-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:yeah he did.

2006-07-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*looks at the pill* i don't want to take it.......

2006-07-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:come on mia,you have to

2006-07-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: but why? hermione:*sigh*

2006-07-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:if you don't you'll have to go back to the hospital,and they will force it down your throat.

2006-07-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: ....but....

2006-07-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:come on take it,take it with applejuice you won't taste the pill

2006-07-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: but i don't want to......

2006-07-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*sigh*come on mia*

2006-07-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: i don't want to

2006-07-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:ok

2006-07-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: i'm a bit tired......

2006-07-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:ok the guest room is the second door on the left,there's a bathroom conected to the bedroom.

2006-07-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:i just need a sofa that's all.....

2006-07-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:ok

2006-07-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: *lays down on the sofaand falls asleep* hermione i know how we can do with the pill.....

2006-07-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*looks at hermione*

2006-07-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione*smiles* we give then to her when se are sleeping... she usaly slwwp walks and if you talks to her then you can get har to take this pill^^

2006-07-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:ok,mia?

2006-07-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*sleep talks* yes what is it mom???

2006-07-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:You want some poptarts?

2006-07-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*nods* just give me some......

2006-07-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:ok*puts a poptart and the pill in her mouth*want some milk?

2006-07-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i can't drink milk my tummy will hurt... can i have some jouice???

2006-07-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:sure,*gives you apple juice*

2006-07-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: thanx mom*drinks the juice* hermione: what did i say???

2006-07-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*smiles*

2006-07-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione*smiles* mia*wakes up* i feel funny.....

2006-07-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:morning sunshine.

2006-07-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: good morning........i feel funny......

2006-07-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:really??

2006-07-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*nods*

2006-07-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:did you eat something funny?

2006-07-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:no....

2006-07-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:hmmmmmmm...

2006-07-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:*giggles*

2006-07-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:I'm tired.Ed:me too.Misty and Ed:*go to sleep with Misty's head on Ed's chest*

2006-07-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: mia you should get some more sleep ok???mia: i will*falls asleep* harmione*falls asleep with her head on mias tummy*

2006-07-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*are still asleep*

2006-07-30 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*wakes up but doesn't move and looks at the sleeping hermione and pets her *

2006-07-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*are still asleep*

2006-07-30 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione*are still sleeping*

2006-07-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:are still sleeping

2006-07-30 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *hermione are still sleeping*

2006-07-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*Wake up,and cuddle*

2006-07-30 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia *are still peting hermione* hermione are still sleeping*

2006-07-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*are still cuddling*

2006-07-30 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*falls asleep and starts to scream*

2006-07-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*run to where mia is and shake her*WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-07-30 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: *wakes up and looks really scared*

2006-07-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:what's wrong,you were screaming in your sleep.

2006-07-30 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione :*holds mia's handand looks worried*mia*cries silently* was soo scarry........did anyone of you give me that pill????

2006-07-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*looks at Hermione*

2006-07-30 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione*wispers to misty* we should tell her the truth......

2006-07-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*whispers back*yeah

2006-07-30 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:*to misty* you tell her

2006-07-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:mia,I gave you the pill

2006-07-30 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i knew it.....i got thoes pills before and when i tookes them.... i got night mares when i take them......

2006-08-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:she told me to!*points to Hermione*

2006-08-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: i didn't i told you how you could do it.....

2006-08-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: it's ok you didn't know......

2006-08-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:I'm sorry,mia

2006-08-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*looks at misty and smiles* i did tell you that it's ok... you didn't now that i get nightmares when i take them.....

2006-08-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:I won't give you one again.

2006-08-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: thanx.....but what are you going to tell the dr???

2006-08-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:I'll throw them down the drain.

2006-08-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: you can't*sigh* you have to tell him the truth.... hermione:*pets mia's head*

2006-08-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:you want me to tell him now?

2006-08-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: if you wan to

2006-08-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:ok*calls the doctor*Doctor:hello?Misty:hello doctor,it's Misty.Doctor:oh yeah,is something wrong?Misty:yes,mia can't take the pills cause they give her nightmares.Doctor:oh,I see,well she doesn't have to take them if they give her nightmares.Misty:ok thanks doctor.Doctor:your welcome,bye.Misty:bye,he said you don't have to take them,mia.

2006-08-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: thanx misty *hugs misty* i'm a bit scared......

2006-08-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:why?

2006-08-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: listen.......*we all hear the thunder*........

2006-08-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:Hmmm...It's a thunder storm.

2006-08-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: *hides while shaking*...... hermione: is this a bad moment to tell that mia are raelly really really scared of thunder???

2006-08-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:oh,it's ok mia.

2006-08-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*looks out from the hiding place* a....a...a..a..a...are you sure???? hermione*hides beside mia and holds herin her arms* yes it is mia don't worry

2006-08-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:you can't get hurt from a tunderstorm

2006-08-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*continues to hide*

2006-08-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*sings*

2006-08-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: ower yet??

2006-08-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:hmmmmmmm...I don't hear any thunder.

2006-08-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*comes out frome the place where i'm hiding* hermione: you wasn't as scared as last time that's good^^

2006-08-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:Last time?

2006-08-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: ya you should seen her the last time when there was s thunder storm.... she hid in the closet for seweral hours.....

2006-08-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:really??

2006-08-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:yes

2006-08-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:well that isn't good that she hid in that closet,mia,why are you scared of thunder storms?

2006-08-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*blushes and looks a bit uncomfortabel(sp?)* i'm really scared of loud sounds.....

2006-08-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:oh,ok

2006-08-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*looks ashamed* hermione*pets mias head*

2006-08-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:what's wrong?

2006-08-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*are still looking a bit ashamed* no....nothing....

2006-08-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:it's ok you can tell me.

2006-08-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*shakes head*

2006-08-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:why not?

2006-08-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: misty not eve i have got that out of her yet..........dut i think it has something to do whit her dad beeing angry.....

2006-08-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:oh,well if you want to talk mia,I'll be here.

2006-08-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*nods* hermione*pets mia's head* everything will be ok mia^^

2006-08-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*hugs mia*

2006-08-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*hugs back* hermione: what do you want to do now??

2006-08-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:anyone hungry?

2006-08-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione*nods*

2006-08-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:ok,what do you want?

2006-08-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*smiles* scrambled egg and bacon..... i haven't got that for ages....and pancakes^^ hermione.....toast are more than enoth for me^^

2006-08-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:ok*makes scrambled eggs,bacon,toast,sasage,and panckes.*here mia.*gives mia scrambled eggs,pancakes,and bacon*here hermione.*gives hermione toast*here Ed.*gives Ed scrambled eggs,bacon,pancakes,toast,and sasage*

2006-08-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*smiles* thanx misty^^

2006-08-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:your welcome

2006-08-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *starts to eat*

2006-08-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*sits on the couch*

2006-08-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: mmmm this is good*smiles*i love the pankakes^^

2006-08-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*smiles*thanks.

2006-08-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *mia finishes* thanx for the food misty^^ hermione*eats the toasts*

2006-08-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:your welcome*collects the dishes and washes them*

2006-08-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia i wannna help^^

2006-08-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:ok

2006-08-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*halps misty with the washing*

2006-08-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:thanks mia.

2006-08-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*smiles* you're welcome^^

2006-08-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:ok we're all done.

2006-08-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*smiles* hermione: so what are we going to do now??

2006-08-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:what do you want to do?

2006-08-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:i wanna wach a movie

2006-08-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:ok,what do you want to watch?

2006-08-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione and mia:The nightmare before cristmas

2006-08-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:ok*gets the movie and popcorn and puts the movie in*

2006-08-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:yay^^*starts to sing* this is halloween this is halloween.......*continues to sing*

2006-08-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*sings too*

2006-08-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia* do yuo like this movie??

2006-08-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:it's my favorite.

2006-08-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:one of mine too^^

2006-08-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:Yay!

2006-08-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia *smiles* hermione*yawns*

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*smiles*

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*curls up and lays my head on hermione's lap*

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*sits next to Ed*

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione.....mia....
mia: yes?

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*look at hermione and mia*

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: what's wrong mione??

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:We'll leave so you two can talk.*go to another room*

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione*wispers something in mias ear*
mia*starts to kiss mione* you don't have to ask that silly....

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:Are you two done talking?Waoh!

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione*are kissing echother but stops when misty looks in*
hermione*says with an inosent vois* yes wht is it???

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:just wondering if we can come back in,but we can wait if you want.

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:just come in^^

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:ok*walk in*

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione* continues to kiss echother*

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*kiss each other*

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione *suddenly stops*

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*stop*Is something wrong?

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: no everything are ok^^

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:ok*make out*

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione*smiles and then starts to make out aswel*

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*continue to make out*

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *hermione and mia continues to make out too*

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*make out for five hours then stop for a breather*

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *mia and hermione giggles*

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:What?

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *both continues to giggle and points at ed* you have forgotten you're pants.....

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